Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Abundance and Prosperity

It is every ones right to abundance and prosperity. I command it ,i claim it. But more than that i share it, as much as i can! One day i believe and hold the intention thatno one will stand in the way of any one's right to Abundance. No motivations of fear and superority. After all what is ther in life that there is not enough of that makes life enjoyable. A person can only eat so much at one time in order to nurish the body or for the pleasure of it. There is plently of food and land to grow it on. Any one who says different hasnt flown in a plane and seen the vast empty as one flys over it. If every one grew 3-4 fruit trees in there yard and traded each other there would be abundance for all. Of course i am simplifying the whole thing. nor am i suggesting no trading fees or moving fees. It takes time and energy to send someing to another place. Nor am i suggesting any thing hidden or astral or ilegal. Respect for all life will grow where no one will steal. Because there is plenty. Why has survival still being promoted as a commerical product? Why cant these things be a almost free. Leaving all things left for profit and exploration and pleasure. Our days would be fulfilling and joyful. Not some competion that wreaks havack on our nervous system. Space exploration a group effort the whole world developing ways to create an enviroment that is liviable on another planet throw alchememy and science. I remember an artical several years ago. where scientists were developing ideas to create machines that would turn a hostile planetary enviroment into one we could live on some distant planet. It must be posible! if we can think it we can create it. we ought not have the problems we have on this earth. it simple we just have to get off the game of KING & QUEEN of the hill. Climbing the ladder of success at all costs to our health and emotions and relationships. jack and jill went up the hill to catch a pail of water. they fell down and broke thier CROWN. Ironic . Have you heard of the CROWN chakra? Its the connection to divine the top of the head, where divine inspiration is said to come into us. It seems this part has gotten insenseitive in to many people the blood flow restricted with un healthy junkfast food. Not that fast food places are all unhealthy. Stress all so constricts blood flow. if the flow is restricted you dont think as well. Or one might say hear intutively as well. the divine flow has a difficult time of getting threw. Some even actually try to restrict the flow of others just to make them appear as less than them. It an ego thang again. Some play all kinds of ego games. Can you imagine raping a defenseless woman just to instill fear in her yet this has gone on in war torn areas for ages includding iraq and afganistan. this is where america ought to be hero's yet some have actually partispated in this horrorable crime.

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